In the competitive and globalized scenario, organizations are interested in enhancing employee–organization relationship. Perceived organizational support is one way to understand employee–organization relationship. This study examines the impact of various work-related experiences of healthcare professionals on perceived organizational support. The work experience comprises employees’ experience with i) formal support through human resource practices and facility in the workplace and ii) informal social support from supervisors and coworkers in the workplace. A survey is conducted among healthcare professionals including medical officers and staff nurses working in primary health centers in the state of Tamil Nadu. The results of the study proved the positive impact of human resource practices (such as pay and rewards, and job autonomy), social support (such as supervisor support and coworker support), and health facility on perceived organizational support. The career growth opportunities showed a negative impact on perceived organizational support. The supervisor support and coworker support showed higher influence on perceived organizational support than human resource practices and health facility. The study has contributed to the literature on human resource practices and perceived organizational support. The results of the study have provided inputs on how to enhance perceived organizational support of healthcare professionals and about healthcare professionals’ perception of human resource practices that could be incorporated while making policies related to public health.