In the main part of the paper an analysis of liberalism and globalization has been offered. It has been argued in the third part of the paper that the process of association between Serbia and Montenegro and European Union would contribute substantially to the solution of the so called "coordination problem" in Serbia and Montenegro-the country heavily burdened and ravaged by its historical past, recent civil wars, NATO bombardment and corruptive economy. U radu se razmatraju pojmovi liberalizma i globalizacije. Rezultati analize ovih pojmova vode stanovistu da proces prikljucenja Evropskoj uniji moze u velikoj meri da pomogne resenju problema ekonomske i politicke koordinacije u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Prema misljenju autora, resavanje problema koordinacije kroz proces pridruzenja Evropskoj uniji je istovremeno put neizbeznog prilagodjavanja Srbije i Crne Gore globalnom okruzenju liberalno-demokratskog tipa.