U Metafizici Γ. 3 počelo neproturječnosti otkriva se kao počelo mišljenja, ali i počelo svih bića. Prema tome, PN ima svoja dva aspekta – ontički i logički. Ti su aspekti izraženi različitim formulacijama počela neproturječnosti koje nalazimo u Γ. 3. Ne može se govoriti o primatu nekog od aspekata, jer su oni upućeni jedan na drugoga: mišljenje je mišljenje bića, a biće je ono što se u mišljenju misli. PN se ističe time da je najpostojanije počelo jer je ono nužno najspoznatljivije. Spoznatljivost ovoga počela ne ovisi o nekim subjektivno- psihološkim uvjetima već o tome da je PN ono konstitutivno svakog spoznavanja, što proizlazi iz njegove onto logičke naravi.In Metaphysics Γ. 3 the principle of non-contradiction is revealed as the principle of thought but also as the principle of all beings. Thus, it has two aspects – ontical and logical. These aspects are expressed by different formulations of PN which can be found in Γ. 3. It cannot be said that any aspect has primacy, because each one bears necessary relation with the other: thinking is the thinking of being and being is that which is thought in the thinking. PN is distinguished as the firmest principle because it is that which is necessarily the most knowable. Knowability of this principle does not depend on some subjective-psychological conditions, but on the fact that the PN is that which is constitutive in every knowledge, and that follows from its onto-logical nature