Hartmann's development was long and complex. Moreover, it is not easy to follow, and the path leading to the end passes through volumes of considerable scope and length. Apart from his Ethics which has had wide circulation among English speaking philosophers, Hartmann's other works are not very well known. Der Aufbau der Realen Welt first appeared in 1940, and represents the third part of his Ontologie; Zur Grundlegung der Ontologie, 1935, constitutes the first part; Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit, 1938, the second; and Philosophie der Natur, 1950, the fourth. The small volume Neue Wege der Ontologie was written in 1941 and appeared in Systematische Philosophie; it was printed separately in 1947 and again in 1949. Teleologisches Denken was completed in 1944, but was not published until 1951. Apparently Hartmann intended it to be published after the appearance of the Philosophie der Natur which was delayed until 1950.