William Jefferson Clinton: Leadership Values in an Age of Postmodernism
Dissertation, Regent University (
At the close of the twentieth century, America found itself in the heat of a culture war that placed Christian Theism, Modernism, and Postmodernism into an intense conflict for dominance. President William Jefferson Clinton became a central figure and lightning rod in that fierce debate. After a review of biographical literature, news stories, and personal interviews, this study develops an interpretive biography of William Jefferson Clinton including the shaping of his values and worldview through his family, community, and culture. It then applies this worldview into an understanding of the leadership strategies that Bill Clinton formulated in response to the draft, his gubernatorial loss for re-election in 1980, the Whitewater scandal, charges of womanizing, and the impeachment process. The correlation of the strategic leadership values of President Clinton with Postmodernism concludes that William Jefferson Clinton is closely aligned with Postmodern values