The paper focuses on the issue of creating equivalence links in the domain of bilingual computational lexicography. The existing interlingual links between plWordNet and Princeton WordNet synsets are re-analysed from the perspective of equivalence types as defined in traditional lexicography and translation. Special attention is paid to cognitive and translational equivalents. A proposal of mapping lexical units is presented. Three types of links are defined: super-strong equivalence, strong equivalence and weak implied equivalence. The strong equivalences have a common set of formal, semantic and usage features, with some of their values slightly loosened for strong equivalence. These will be introduced manually by trained lexicographers. The sense-mapping will partly draw on the results of the existing synset mapping. The lexicographers will analyse lists of pairs of synsets linked by interlingual relations such as synonymy, partial synonymy, hyponymy and hypernymy. They will also consult bilingual dictionaries and check translation probabilities in a parallel corpus. The results of the proposed mapping have great application potential in the area of natural language processing, translation and language learning.