Istraživanja povijesnog razvoja bioetike rijetko su kao predmet svog interesa imala fenomen bioetičkih institucija.U prvom dijelu rada se iznosi pregled povijesnog razvoja bioetike, nakon čega slijede glavne teze najvažnijih teorija institucija . Središnji dio rada obrađuje teoriju institucija Arnolda Gehlena, prema kojoj su institucije društvene činjenice u kojima se zajednički prihvaćaju i provode životne svrhe, a koje čovjek stvara s ciljem odterećenja od neizvjesnosti vlastite egzistencije, subjektivne motivacije i trajne improvizacije u odlučivanju.U zaključnom dijelu rada analiziraju se mogućnosti i ograničenja aplikacije teorije institucija Arnolda Gehlena u istraživanju razvoja bioetičkih institucija.The research of historical development of bioethics has rarely had the phenomenon of bioethics institutions as the focus of its interest. In the first part of the present paper a historical overview of bioethics is exposed.Subsequently, the major theses of the most important theories of institutions are discussed. The central part of the paper deals with the theory of institutions by Arnold Gehlen. According to that theory, institutions are social constructs in which life purposes are collectively accepted and realized. The man creates those constructs aiming at alleviation from uncertainty of his own existence, subjective motivation, and continuous improvization in decision making.Concluding part of the paper provides an analysis of the potentials and limitations of the application of Arnold Gehlen’s theory of institutions in an attempt of investigating the phenomenon of bioethics institutions