The Jing-zhi thought of the Southern Song Confucian Intellectual Tang Zhongyou
Confucian scholar Tang Zhongyou the system, not just by focusing on the performance of a system by the history and form of academic research, but also for the South Song Gao, Xiao Zhong political issues towards positive thinking, with a specific sense of the times. Traditional thinking in terms of schooling, it is mainly a study of Wang and Cheng louxur new reflection and absorption, and its ethos of the Song Dynasty Neo-Confucian development are inseparable. Is covered in a concept system on the basis of moral metaphysics, Governance, and three levels of governing law, the latter two form the body. In the long run, he can be regarded as Modern Confucian statecraft thought therapies were one of the pioneers. The paper investigates the Jing-zhi thought of the neglected Song Confucian intellectual Tang Zhong-you, which could provide a new perspective of observing the development of the moral-practical thought in Song Confucianism. The paper points out that Tang's Jing-zhi thought could be regarded as the response to the political challenges during the reign of Song Xiao emperor. Intellectually, Tang was profoundly influenced by the Northern Song Confucianism, especially by the Wang An-shi school and the Cheng school . The Jing-zhi thought consists of three dimensions, the religio-metaphysical worldviews, moral-political values and institutional nouns . On the long run, Tang forecasts the important branch in the Confucian moral-practical thought of later times, which emphasizes the study of the institutional nouns within the Neo-Confucian limits