The aim of the paper is to present the problem of principium individuationis from the
point of view of Nicolai Hartmann’s ontology. The German philosopher considers this classical ontological issue by using his method of analysis of philosophical problems. He brings out adequate content of this problem from its standpoint-oriented,
historical contents. According to Hartmann, the problem of principle of individuation is generated by accepting a position of realism in regards to the problem of universals. The problem of individuation arises as long as we accept that general being is prior to individual being. But when we reject this assumption and accept, like Hartmann, that individual beings are as real as general beings, the principium individuationis is no longer needed. There is no place in Nicolai Hartmann’s ontology for such a thing as a principle of individualization because there is no place for such a thing as an individualization. However, the category of individuality is one of the most important categories of real being and should be analyzed. With refer to history of this problem Hartmann distinguishes between quantitative and qualitative individuality. This distinction helps him explain the differences between various theories of individual being and fi nd the core of the problem which is shared by all of them.