Profissionais de saúde e o processo de morte e morrer dos pacientes: uma revisão integrativa Profesionales de salud y el proceso de muerte y morir de los pacientes: una revisión integrativa Objective: To know the scientific production on the relationship between the health professionals and patient’s death. Methodology: Integrative literature review using analysis through thematic proximity. Resuts: Four categories were elaborated: Unprepared health professionals to deal with death; Challenges to deal with the process of dying and death in different scenarios; Types of death and their interpretations and Health professionals and their aspects on dealing with death. Conclutions: Health professionals are unprepared to deal with the end of life process, beyond that, they feel a lack of attention to the theme, especially relating to coping strategies. Para citar este artigo / Para citar este artículo / To reference this article Siqueira J, Zilli F, Griebeler S. Profissionais de saúde e o processo de morte e morrer dos pacientes: uma revisão integrativa. pers. bioét. 2018; 22: 288-302. DOI: 10.5294/pebi.2018.22.2.7