Diversity of bird species in a damaged mangrove swamp along Badagry creek Lagos Southwest Nigeria was examined in this study. The study area was divided into three compartments based on their different land use types. A total of 60 transect lines were randomly laid out and 20 transect lines per a compartment. The minimum distance between t wo transect lines was 200m. The number of transect lines was determined by the site size. Data were collected for six months in 2019. All birds viewed on the ground or in the vegetation as well as birds that are flying ahead were identified and the number in the group recorded. Birds of the same species within 10m of each other were counted in the same group. Human threats to the study area were also examined. Data obtained from the field survey were entered into excel spread sheet prior to both descriptive and analytical statistics. The computer PAST Model version 3 was used to analyze bird species diversity indices, SHE analysis, and plot generalized linear model graph. A total number of 120 bird spices belonging 39 families and 15 orders were enumerated in the study area.The result indicates that Ardeidae has the highest number of bird species, this is followed by Ploceidae with 9 bird species. The result of the relative abundance of bird species in the study area indicates that it was higher in the dry season than the wet season 0.0013). The Shannon diversity index showed that it was higher during the dry season than the wet season. The status of the bird species in the study area indicates that resident bird species were highest, followed by Intra Africa Migrants and Palearctic migrants. The total number of bird species recorded during the dry season was while the wet season is SHE analysis of bird species diversity in the study area and plot Generalized Linear Model was used. Checklist of bird species in the study area was also observed. The threats identify in the study area are Deforestation, agricultural intensification, soil excavation for building and road construction, use of herbicides for weeding, use of chemicals fishing,and collection of non-timber products.