Prior to being a body present in time, the Other is a mountainous relief in the landscape of a common world,
a perspective shape that the “I” chooses to welcome or not. This relief—if it has often been considered from the point
of view of an authority deciding where It should stand—will become, we hope, the possible zone of an encounter.
When this relief comes out of the ground and enters the world, when the Other becomes simultaneously something
that feels and is felt, its expression opens up to become a zone of contact, a mobile and permeable layer of exchange.
In this surrounding zone, the Other strips and exposes itself as evanescence. It is this unattainable geometric
point that inscribes an atmospheric change by its presence: tempest, thunder, earthquake, but also heat, humidity,
and evaporation. The Other is an organic sounding board reflecting our modes of being together. It is this person—
per-sonare—through which the world resonates, who transforms, in the same fashion, the thermal sensations into
energizing transfers, into dynamic emotions. A sensorial choice is always inscribed at the threshold of an encounter.