INTRODUCTION: Cosmetic surgery, which is a type of elective surgery designed to alter the physical features of the human body, is currently in high demand due to a combination of several main factors; namely low self-esteem, the desire to achieve beauty standards set by society, and the ubiquity of mass media and social media influencers. As a Muslim, cosmetic surgery must be evaluated from a jurisprudential lens to determine the level of necessity of the procedure, whether it reached the stage of essential, or necessity, or complimentary, along with close inspection of the maslahah B dan mafsadah involved with the aspect of maslahahdan mafsadahin need of further clarification. A close inspection of medical fatwas relating to cosmetic surgery reveals that procedures that are intended solely for physical beautification with no medical justification whatsoever are forbidden. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study collect data from fatwas issued by seven fatwa institutions worldwide, will look into the application of maqasid al-shariʿain determining the legal status of cosmetic surgery in Islam. The data was analyzed thematically. RESULT: The findings from this study suggest that all fatwas pertaining to cosmetic surgery were decided based on the considerations of maqasid al-shariʿa, which will greatly aid doctors and patients in evaluating the need, or the lack thereof, to proceed with cosmetic surgery. CONCLUSION: The discussion of Islamic law or fatwa related to medicine requires synergy between sharia experts and medical doctors.