Problem setting. The transition of society into the information age is accompanied by the formation of certain ideological and axiological priorities, in accordance with which changes and reproduced the moral dimensions of the information society. Particu- larly urgent is the problem of values in transitional periods of social development. In this regard, there is a need interpretation of the dynamics of the development of moral values that accompanies ideological transformation in the process of formation of the informa- tion society. Recent research and publications analysis testifies that the theoretical basis for the study of modern transformations is contained in the works of many researchers. Despite their fundamental contribution to this issue, the question of value transformations in the information society, particularly regarding the transformation and virtualization of moral values, remain not fully elucidated. Paper objective. The purpose of this article is to attempt to eliminate some of the gaps in holistic understanding of the nature and content of the transformation and virtualization of moral values in the conditions of informational society formation. Paper main body. In the information society is changing the way of life, system of values of individuals and social groups, the importance of information assets in relation to the material. This entails increasing the proportion of moral values and their virtual transformation. Axiological transformation taking place today, can be interpreted as multidimen- sional and reseparation, as a result, awareness and understanding attitude change includes a “revaluation of values”, which can how to buy types of progressive denial of the pre- liminary foundations of social order, and expressed in new forms of embodiment of the previous axiological paradigms. The transformation in the last decades of the twentieth century. social reality in an unstable, fragmented, eclectic through strengthening information flows vividly correlates with the increase in people’s life the role of various kinds of simulacra – images of real- ity, replacing reality itself. Man begins to perceive the world as a gaming environment, is aware of its conditionality, control its parameters and the possibility of withdrawing from it. Conclusions of the research. The reason for the virtualization of the information so- ciety is an objective necessity of transition of information technologies to a new qualitative level, as well as inherent human value is filled with the need for creativity, in creating new realities, these worlds, to whom it would be a Creator. In order to enable them to define themselves in society, it needs internal criteria, that is, a system of values. The system of value orientations determines the content side orientation of the individual is the basis of her relationship to the world, to others, to itself, the basis of ideology and the core motiva- tion of vital activity, the basis of life concept and philosophy of life. The information society is a society in which there are intense philosophical transfor- mation, where are the main values information, as well as related simulacra and virtual- ization that stimulate changes in axiological priorities, the relationships and communica- tion of people. So, the very worth of the human person is reduced due to the prevalence of the aspects of utility and pragmatism as the contacts and the information that person possesses.