This paper analyses the details that characterized the negotiation and collection of the servicio de los naturales from the year 1603 onwards, the last time of those three in which moriscos of Granada paid to the Hispanic Monarchy after the Alpujarras War, when they were settled in Castile. The author has analysed documents coming from the Archivo General de Simancas, but also those included in notary’s protocols and in local archives. Its main contributions are three: to publish the content of the actual contract signed by the moriscos and the Crown; to contribute to set up a precise spatial distribution of the communities that paid the tax and, finally, to show the amounts delivered by them. Irregularities, problems, and conflicts lived while the precedent servicios were being paid, are analysed too. There are aspects that we know thanks to other previous works. Nevertheless, if they are considered in relation with the situation of the year 1603, they allow observing that all those difficulties were used in order to improve the servicio itself and the agreement between the minority and the King.