Mill's Notion of Individuality : An Analysis
In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyze J.S. Mill’s notion of individuality to examine its significance within Mill’s utilitarian scheme. If Mill’s notion of individuality is closely examined, it can be noted that he has emphasized upon exercise of individuality in two senses: 1) as an expression of individual spontaneity and 2) as an expression of developed individuality. But a pertinent question arises: Has Mill given equal importance to both the senses? Or has he assigned more importance to one sense over the other keeping in view his utilitarian objective? In this paper, both the senses of individuality have been explored and examined taking into account their interdependence and importance from Millian perspective. Based on examination and analysis of Mill’s views, it has been noted that though Mill has valued both the senses, he has given primacy to "developed individuality" over the expression of individual spontaneity to arrive at his utilitarian goal.