In the article the author’s solution of the inexpressibleness of the speech subject is given taking into account the asymmetry of the linguistic sign - signifying and signified - in relation to the elements of the functional-semantic category of the inexpressible. It was determined that the elements of the field of inexpressible are marked by the nomination of abstract vocabulary of three subclasses: 1) the most general feature, 2) the concept or term 3) the generic notions in relation to the aspectual. On the other hand, the names, which are the surreal constructs of subject, in spite of an empty denotative value are not marked with an inexpressible, expressing a specific holistic image. From the object of speech, it can be said about a single inexpressibleness of the speech object signifying or signified, or the dual inexpressibleness - both signifying and signified. It is determined for the first time that under the dual inexpressibleness the categories denoting imaginary creatures in fiction or extraordinary beings, whose properties are impossible with nothing to relate, are actively being labeled with the elements of the field of inexpressible. The inexpressibleness of signified is conditioned by factors of external or internal linguistics. The factor of the internal linguistics is an aspect of existential inexpressibleness, the inexpressibleness of the subject of speech due to its otherness. This inexpressibleness is marked with the discursive pronouns usage. The factor of external linguistics is a competitive or psychophysical inexpressibleness due to the peculiarities of speech subject. The meaning of inexpressible is transmitted by interrogative sentences with a negative value, the particle if, indivisible combinations like ‘something untold‘. In situations with the meaning of a signifier, in which the speaker actually knows the meaning and only marks this sector as inexpressible - And she was an indescribable beauty - means of transferring of semantics of inexpressible finds centrifugal forces; from the field of inexpressible it migrates to the field of a very high quality concentration. This ‘migration‘ is being observed in the folk formulas, in the formulas of feeling expression.