Systemising is the drive to analyse or construct systems, and can be assessed by a systemising quotient (SQ). Empathising is the drive to identify mental states and respond with an appropriate emotion, and can be assessed by an empathising quotient (EQ). Previous evidence suggests that: (1) males are more drawn to systemise than females, and females are more drawn to empathise than males; and (2) males are more likely to work in science and engineering, or to study science subjects at university. This study found: (1) males score more highly on the SQ, and females score more highly on the EQ; (2) controlling for age and gender, there is an association between degree subject and SQ and EQ scores, with ?scientists? scoring higher on the SQ and ?artists? scoring more highly on the EQ; and (3) individuals? scores on EQ and SQ were better predictors of degree subject than gender