The rapid penetration of information technology in our lives, the growing demand for electronic resources in addition to traditional forms of publication in accordance with the demands of the information society directly makes the replenishment of library collections, especially university, electronic resources. necessity. From this point of view, the realization of library policy is relevant. Currently, modern library collections are completed with traditional print resources, as well as electronic resources according to the requirements of the time. The replenishment of library collections is a continuous process carried out in the direction of meeting the ever-growing information needs of users. In general, the process of acquisition of electronic resources provides access to the world information market, providing convenient, easy search and retrieval of information without limitations in time and space. It is during this process that the basic principles of acquisition should be taken into account. In particular, the information needs of university users should be analyzed, the typology of readers should be studied, attention should be paid to the issues of technical support in order to provide access to electronic resources. From this aspect the article deals with the main criteria of selection and evaluation, which are important to take into account in the process of collecting the funds of the university library with electronic resources. At the same time, the importance of the policy of completing electronic resources and the main principles of this policy are widely explained.