Mulla Sadra's Psychological Approach and the Defect of Contemporary Psychology
In the psychological schools of the twentieth century man is mainly analyzed as a possessor of intelligence. In such approaches, emotional intelligence, inner-individual intelligence, extra-individual intelligence, musical intelligence, spatial intelligence, etc. have been identified following an empirical-theoretical approach in the process of studying the brain. Therefore, they define man as a being possessing multiple intelligences.In Mulla Sadra's philosophy, considering his ontological views and introducing man's spirit as the noblest dimension of his soul, which is on the way towards transcendence and leaving sensible boundaries behind, man's optimal situation has been defined as being free from the lower dimensions of the soul's desires. Therefore, in this interpretation man's flourishing is introduced in relation to the supreme levels of being and living in the holy presence of Allah.Through comparing Mulla Sadra's approach and contemporary psychological schools, the purpose of this paper is to reveal the lack of ontological problems in these schools and drawing attention to such problems in the analysis of human values and development of ethical programs