Changes in social and political life of Ukraine at the present stage actualize problems to expand the role and participation of women in civil society. Social and political movement of Ukrainian women in Eastern Halychyna in the XIX-XX c. inextricably linked with the development of the Ukrainian national movement. Significant events of social and political life of this period is inextricably linked with the name N. Kobrynska, which encouraged women to educational and intellectual movement and organized the publication of women’s Almanac «First Wreath». Ideological and political basis N. Kobrynska’s concerning organization of female movement in Halychyna at the edge of XIX-XX centuries was researched. Аnalysed proposed by N. Kobrynska ways of solving of female questions and need of consideration of the problem in the context of wide social and economic conversion. The aim of the given research is to determine the peculiarities of ideological and political interpretation of the women’s issue by Natalia Kobrynska as an important aspect of social and cultural development of the society and tasks as well as goals of organization of the women’s movement as a way of gaining rights and liberties by women. The most considerable contribution N. Kobrynska made into the development of ideas of the feministic theory. Her deep understanding of foundations of social progress is explained by maturity of her social and political position, her entire confidence in the necessity of women’s liberation and ability to realize in practice main tasks of women’s movement. Unfortunately, her emancipated work was not popular among the contemporaries, therefore her disappointment in the women’s movement, failures in its consolidation and coordination, world view as well as ideological disagreements in the medium of the Galician intellectuals prevented N. Kobrynska from further self-realisation. But it was she who succeeded in laying solid foundations of the women’s movement on the western Ukrainian territory and substantiated ideas of women’s liberation politically and ideologically.