Artificial Intelligence and new Platforms for an incoming Humanism Artificial intelligence is a research field of computer science that since 1956, when the expression was coined, has produced countless devices capable of performing complex tasks, in some cases, comparable to human performativity. In 1983, Elaine Rich defined artificial intelligence as «the branch of computer science concerned with the possibility of building computers capable of performing tasks that humans currently perform better». Rich’s definition differs from McCarthy’s more challenging definition of AI as «a science and engineering branch aimed at building intelligent machines», because it avoids the hard problem of giving a definition of “intelligence”. On the other hand, Roger Penrose, pointed out that «true intelligence cannot be presented without consciousness, and for this reason intelligence can never be produced by some algorithm implemented on a computer». This consideration draws a new idea of artificial intelligence: no longer a mere transposition of human intelligence into a machine, but «a new form of capacity to act» (Luciano Floridi). Faced with the possibilities opened up by this new form of ability to act, «it is up to each one of us to decide how to use our latest invention and choose which future we want to contribute to realizing for the Homo faber in us» (Federico Cabitza). This Dossier explores some lines of reflection raised by the developments of artificial intelligence that, more and more present in our daily lives and in a future that is just around the corner, announces unprecedented possibilities and new potential risks for sapiens. On the one hand, the moral issues raised by the possible emergence of a Superintelligence capable of self-assigning goals, not necessarily compatible with those of sapiens, on the other hand, the many applications related to social robotics that lead to a critical reconsideration of categories such as care and assistance, work, leisure, etc.. Will the digital era be dominated by robots? Is the utopia of a world freed from drudgery, built around an industry (5.0) that is able to realize the potential inherent in advanced digitization, Big data and artificial intelligence finally upon us? Are the once central distinctions between strong and weak AI still valid? What possibilities are opened up by sectors such as Agrifood, in which artificial intelligence is used in the food manufacturing process? Does the encounter between artificial intelligence and quantum mechanics open up new pathways capable of accelerating the emergence of a Superintelligence? Are we ready to govern a new model of intelligence that is not anthropocentric? What repercussions do the new lines of research of deep learning and machine learning have on the self-representation of sapiens? What new narrative and self-narrative scenarios are unfolding in front of sapiens?