Face the Readers to Write: Reflection on the Pattern of Marxist Philosophical Writing
Philosophical writing has not complained to the public, the public rhetoric of esotericism esotericism and esoteric combination of rhetoric, enlightenment and transformation of the public and other modes. Since the Enlightenment increasingly being done in the writing mode for the mass production because of mass society and mass of people in batches and by reflection. Marx's mode of writing is not for the general population, insist on their academic writing is a highly professional. Marxist philosophy of writing the current number of non-object should be to give up writing, as there are many objects of academic writing. There are several patterns of philosophical writing, such as not to communicate with the mass, combining exotericism with esotericism, and enlightening and remolding the mass. The writing pattern of facing the mass which is getting more and more popular after the Enlightenment is under review because the emergence of the mass society and the mass man. With the professional feature in his academic writings, Karl Marx's writing doesn't face the mass directly. So Marxist philosophical writing nowadays needs to avoid writing without facing certain object, but to face certain object to write