Since all properties have content, a haecceity has content, which is the individuality or identity of the entity whose haecceity it is. This, however, does not mean that a haecceity is identical with that of which it is the haecceity. This is evident in the case of the haecceity of a concrete entity, since all haecceities, being properties, are abstract, and no concrete entity is abstract. Concrete entities, however, are not the only entities that have haecceities. Every entity, whether abstract or concrete, has a haecceity. No entity, however, is identical with its haecceity. The abstract entity Redness, like the concrete entity Socrates, cannot be identical with its haecceity. Just as Socrates is not identical with the property of being identical with Socrates, so also Redness is not identical with the property of being identical with Redness.