Promotreno iz etimološke perspektive, Petrićev Sretan grad, objavljen između Utopije T. Morea i La città del Sole T. Campanelle, crpi svoje polazište i ključno značenje upravo iz etimologije nazivka ‘sretan’. Taj nazivak sadržava dvojnost, koja je poslužila Petrićevoj zamisli: kao što se čovjek sastoji od duše i tijela, tako se dvojnost uočava i ponavlja u raznim strukturama grada-države. S jedne strane felice znači ‘produktivan’ i ‘uspješan’, a s druge strane pak ‘sretan’ te kod Petrića i ‘blažen’. Stupnjevanje u razumijevanju sreće kod Petrića znači da je njegov grad-država uspješan i blažen, pa se sudjelovanje svih staleža društva sagledava u okviru praktičnog organiziranja društvenog života dvostruko sretnog grada.This paper deals with the etymology, and consequently with the meaning of Frane Petrić’s Happy Town : written after Thomas More’s Utopia and before Tomaso Campanella’s The City of the Sun, Petrić’s Happy Town has its datum-point and key meaning in the etymology of the term felice. This term contains the duality constantly pointed out in Petrić’s conception: since the human being consists of body and soul, the duality is noted and repeated through various structures of this town-state. The term felice means ‘productive’, ‘successful’, ‘happy’, and it has to do with Petrić’s concept of ‘blessedness’ as well. The gradation of the meaning of the term felice explains the fact that Petrić’s town is successful-happy and happy-blessed. All the social levels are part of the productiveness > blessedness process of Petrić’s twice Happy Town.