The beta-amyloid protein present in the neuritic plaques of Alzheimer's disease is cleaved from Abeta precursor protein by beta- and gamma-secretases. Following identification of beta-APP cleaving enzyme as the beta-secretase, a homologous beta-secretase 2 was described. Our goal is to characterize the regulatory region of the BACE genes. We compare functional domains within the BACE1 and BACE2 regulatory regions. Both BACE genes lack canonical TATAand CAAT boxes, but they contain distinguishing transcription start sites and transcription factor-binding sites. The BACE1 sequence contains more repetitive elements than does BACE2 . Regulatory domains do not overlap strongly between the two promoter regions. The BACE1upstream sequence contains both negative and positive domains, separated from the transcription seat by a long neutral domain. The corresponding BACE2sequence consists of a weakly positive domain directly upstream of a strongly positive domain, near a functionally active domain. DNA-protein interaction was corroborated by functional data. In primary rat cortical cultures, BACE1-driven reporter protein's expression was twice that of BACE2- driven reporter. The BACE2 gene promoter relatively reduced function in neuronal cells compared with BACE1. The BACE1 gene might operate through a single transcriptional control site. BACE2 operates through dual transcriptional control sites. Two regulatory pathways might control transcription in BACE2. Thus, BACE2 is partially suppressed in normal neuronal cells and likely to be a highly regulated gene expressed in a particularly tissue-specific fashion