Bioethics education – Its goals and different target groups (Presenting problems of bioethics at textual seminars)
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of bioethics, there are many ways of how its problems can be presented and introduced to students. Which method is used by a teacher depends on the student group; their age, previous bioethical knowledge, the overall aim of their studies. The aim of this article is to emphasize the necessity of the different content of bioethical modules for students of medical sciences and students
of ethics. Future physicians and nurses are supposed to learn what the role of ethics is in their professions and how to recognize moral dilemmas (mostly through case studies), while the task of ethics students is different. Their goal is to extend their abilities to discover moral conflicts, to analyze them more deeply, and to argue about the problems in a more consistent and theoretical way. In the final part of the paper, I
present the opinion that a textual seminar, which does not necessarily need to be focused on the problems of bioethics, can help students to a wider and more complex understanding of bioethical issues.