Presential Knowledge and Transcending Subjectivism
Presential knowledge is a particular theory concerning knowledge which has been well-developed in Islamic philosophy and, specifically, in Sadrian philosophy, and its epistemological effects have become clearly manifested there. However, without resorting to the principiality of existence, one cannot defend presential knowledge. Based on Sadrian philosophy, knowledge is the same as existence; it is not an accident of it or added to it. Accordingly, the various levels of existence demand various levels of knowledge and awareness. Here, in addition to his own existence, man has presential knowledge of his soulish faculties and knowledge, and since presential knowledge is at the threshold of human knowledge and the point after which conceptualization and acquired knowledge begin, one can reveal the main defects of idealism, solipsism, skepticism, and finally subjectivism in the light of this theory and go beyond them.In this paper, it has been tried to briefly introduce the theory of presential knowledge and demonstrate its potential for going beyond various kinds of subjectivism