Results for 'Sayyed Hakkak'

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  1.  24
    The cognitive biases of human mind in accepting and transmitting religious and theological beliefs: An analysis based on the cognitive science of religion.Sayyed M. Biabanaki - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):1-9.
    The cognitive science of religion is an emerging field of cognitive science that gathers insights from different disciplines to explain how humans acquire and transmit religious beliefs. For the CSR scholars, the human mental tools have specific biases that make them susceptible to acceptance and transmission of religious beliefs. This article examines the characteristics of these biases and how they work, and shows that although our innate cognitive tendencies make our minds generally receptive to religion, they do not explain the (...)
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    Islamic Viewpoints on Opportunistic Sex Selection of IVF Embryos upon doing Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Preventing Genetic Diseases.Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin, Shaima Zohair Arab & Alexis Heng Boon Chin - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (2):223-232.
    In recent years, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) of IVF embryos have gained much traction in clinical assisted reproduction for preventing various genetic defects, including Down syndrome. However, such genetic tests inevitably reveal the sex of IVF embryos by identifying the sex (X and Y) chromosomes. In many countries with less stringent IVF regulations, information on the sex of embryos that are tested to be genetically normal is readily shared with patients. This would thus present Muslim patients with unintended opportunities for (...)
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    Islamic Jurisprudence on Harm Versus Harm Scenarios in Medical Confidentiality.Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (2):291-316.
    Although medical confidentiality is widely recognized as an essential principle in the therapeutic relationship, its systematic and coherent practice has been an ethically challenging duty upon healthcare providers due to various concerns of clinical, moral, religious, social, ethical and legal natures. Medical confidentiality can be breached to protect the patient and/or others if maintaining confidentiality causes serious harm. Healthcare professionals may encounter complicated situations whereby the divulgence of a patient’s confidential information may pose a threat to one party whereas the (...)
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  4. Critical Survey of Bernard Blanshard’s Religious Epistemology.Sayyed Ali Alamolhoda & Jalal Paykani - 2013 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 11 (2):123-144.
    Brand Blanshard is one of the contemporary famous philosophers, especially because of his Ideas on religious epistemology. He defends rationalism and evidentialism in religious epistemology and therefore criticizes fideism. He holds that rationality is the main character of all kinds of beliefs, including religious belief. But, in his Idealism, Blansahrd finds a place for the source of being and universe, which stands in sharp contradiction with traditional concept of God. In this paper we show that some times, his evidentialism is (...)
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  5. Anthologie des Philosophes Iraniens Depuis le Xviie Siècle Jusqu'à Nos Jours.Sayyed Jalaloddin Ashtiyani & Henry Corbin - 1972 - Département d'Iranologie de l'Institut Franco-Iranien de Recherche Librairie d'Amérique Et d'0rient Adrien Maisonneuve.
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    The Evolutionary Process in Lamarckism and Darwinism: similarities and differences.Sayyed Mojtaba Hosseini & Alireza Mansouri - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 16 (39):578-594.
    It is a widely held view that the inheritance of acquired characteristics plays an important role in Lamarck's ideas about evolution, and there are some counter-instances against it. As a result, his theory is called into question. This article explains that contrary to this view, the inheritance of acquired characteristics is a common ground between Lamarck and Darwin. And the contradictions could probably be resolved, as we shall see. The study shows that the main differences between the views of the (...)
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  7.  Philosophical Consequences of Godel’s Theorems.Sayyed Magid Zidvd - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 2 (2):117-132.
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    An Ethico-Legal Analysis of Artificial Womb Technology and Extracorporeal Gestation Based on Islamic Legal Maxims.Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin, Alexis Heng Boon Chin & Aasim Ilyas Padela - 2024 - The New Bioethics 30 (1):34-46.
    Artificial womb technology for extracorporeal gestation of human offspring (ectogenesis or ectogestation) has profound ethical, sociological and religious implications for Muslim communities. In this article we examine the usage of the technology through the lens of Islamic ethico-legal frameworks specifically the legal maxims (al-Qawaid al-Fiqhiyyah) and higher objectives of Islamic law (Maqaṣid al-Shariah). Our analysis suggests that its application may be contingently permissible (halal) in situations of dire need such as sustaining life and development of extremely premature newborns, for advancing (...)
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  9. A Survey of Ibn Rushd’s Critique of Ibn Sina in Metaphysical Philosophy.Sayyed Ali Alamolhoda - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 3 (2):109-128.
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  10. La Philosophie Shi'ite.Sayyed Haydar Amoli, Osman Yahia & Henry Corbin - 1969 - Departement d'Iranologie de l'Institut Franco-Iranien de Recherche.
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  11. Bridling the mindless ambivalence : Langerian mindfulness and suspension of intentionality.Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi & Ellen Langer - 2020 - In Berit Brogaard & Dimitria Electra Gatzia (eds.), The Philosophy and Psychology of Ambivalence: Being of Two Minds. New York: Routledge.
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    A Phenomenology of Langerian Mindfulness: The Psychology of Presence.Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In The Phenomenological Psychology of Mindfulness, Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi draws on the latest scholarly findings in Langerian psychology and examines their implications in clinical and social psychology.
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  13. Demonstrability of eternal necessary propositions.Sayyed Ali Alamolhoda - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (2):105-128.
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  14.  34
    An Islamic (Shia) psychological perspective on humanism.Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi & Timothy A. Sisemore - 2019 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 39 (3):135-146.
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    Conflict of Culture and Religion: Jalal Al-e-Ahmad's “Pink Nail Polish” from a Bakhtin's Carnivalistic Point of View.Muhammad Hussein Oroskhan & Sayyed Mohammad Anoosheh - 2017 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 77:35-43.
    Publication date: 14 June 2017 Source: Author: Muhammad Hussein Oroskhan, Sayyed Mohammad Anoosheh By the 1930s, the Iranian society was driven toward modernization. Consisted with the concept of modernization, feminism ushered a whole new era in Iranian history. Besides, the outbreak of World War II and the consequent abdication of Reza Khan afforded women a golden opportunity to fight for their rights and emancipations. This movement was also supported by the famous male writers of the time among whom Jalal (...)
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  16.  34
    Creativity and symmetry restoration: Toward a cognitive account of mindfulness.Louise Sundararajan & Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi - 2016 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 36 (3):131-141.
  17.  22
    Recasting Persian Poetry: Scenarios of Poetic Modernity in Iran.M. R. Ghanoonparvar & Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (2):291.
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  18.  21
    Faith in God, philanthropy and foundations of criticism of religious violence in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy.Sayyed M. Emami Jome, Mahdi Ganjvar & Nafiseh Ahl Sarmadi - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    This article aims at showing the potentiality of Transcendent Theosophy in the creation of peace and denial of religious violence. Belief in Necessary Being that is identical to beauty and perfection is one of the central issues in Islamic philosophy, particularly Mulla Sadra’s Transcendent Theosophy. This belief has different stages, the highest one of which is a love-based sense of humbleness before God who is the source of beauty. Thus, faith in the thought of Mulla Sadra is one of the (...)
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  19.  24
    Isfahan Is Half the World. Memories of a Persian Boyhood.Abbas Amanat, Sayyed Mohammed Ali Jamālzādeh, W. L. Heston & Sayyed Mohammed Ali Jamalzadeh - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3):593.
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  20. Definition and Goal of Logic from Muslim Logicians’ View point.Sayyed Mahmood Yousof Sani - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 2 (1):111-124.
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    Islamic Perspectives on Elective Ovarian Tissue Freezing by Single Women for Non-medical or Social Reasons.Alexis Heng Boon Chin, Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin & Mohd Faizal Ahmad - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (3):335-349.
    Non-medical or Social egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation) is currently a controversial topic in Islam, with contradictory fatwas being issued in different Muslim countries. While Islamic authorities in Egypt permit the procedure, fatwas issued in Malaysia have banned single Muslim women from freezing their unfertilized eggs (vitrified oocytes) to be used later in marriage. The underlying principles of the Malaysian fatwas are that (i) sperm and egg cells produced before marriage, should not be used during marriage to conceive a child; (ii) (...)
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  22. Medical Ethics in the Light of Maqāṣid Al-Sharīʿah: A Case Study of Medical Confidentiality.Bouhedda Ghalia, Muhammad Amanullah, Luqman Zakariyah & Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (1):133-160.
    : The Islamic jurists utilized the discipline of maqāṣid al-sharīʿah,in its capacity as the philosophy of Islamic law, in their legal and ethicalinterpretations, with added interest in addressing the issues of modern times.Aphoristically subsuming the major themes of the Sharīʿah, maqāṣid play apivotal role in the domain of decision-making and deduction of rulings onunprecedented ethical discourses. Ethics represent the infrastructure of Islamiclaw and the whole science of Islamic jurisprudence operates in the lightof maqāṣid to realize the ethics in people’s lives. (...)
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  23.  17
    Regulatory safeguards needed if preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic risk scores (PGT-P) is permitted in Singapore.Alexis Heng Boon Chin, Lee Wei Lim & Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Singapore, a highly affluent island city-state located in Southeast Asia, has increasingly leveraged new assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to overcome its dismal fertility rates in recent years. A new frontier in ART is preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) for polygenic risk scores (PRS) to predict complex multifactorial traits in IVF (in vitro fertilisation) embryos, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and various other characteristics like height, intelligence quotient (IQ), hair and eye colour. Unlike well-known safety risks with human genome editing, (...)
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  24.  71
    Ŷihād e iŷtihād en el pensamiento combativo musulmán (Ibn Taymiya, Sayyed Qutb y 'Abd as-Salām Faraŷ).Mohamed Bilal Achmal - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:64-74.
    En la historia del pensamiento político musulmán ŷihād e iŷtihād siempre van unidos. Pero es en el pensamiento combativo donde más se manifiesta esa unión de un modo transcendente. El objetivo del presente trabajo es plantear el aspecto transhistórico del iŷtihād y del ŷihād, y con ello, exponer de manifiesto el siempre fracasado proceso de emancipación histórica y teológica del proyecto ŷihadístico basado sobre la mistificación de lo sustancialmente humano.
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  25. Anthologie des Philosophes Iraniens Depuis le Xviie Siècle Jusqu À Nos Jours. Textes Persans Et Arabes Choisis Et Présentés Par Sayyed Jal'loddîn Ashtiy'nî. Introduction Analytique Par Henry Corbin.Jalal al-din Ashtiyani & Henry Corbin - 1971 - Departement d'Iranologie de l'Institut Franco-Iranien de Recherche.
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    Der Einfluss der Kunst und der Künstler auf den interkulturellen Dialog Die drei arabischen Meteore der Jahre 1920/1930 - Hocine Slaoui, Sayyed Darwish, Abul Qacem Chabbi. [REVIEW]Mohamed Hassen Zouzi Chebbi - 2007 - In Fathi Triki, Jacques Poulain & Christoph Wulf (eds.), Die Künste Im Dialog der Kulturen: Europa Und Seine Muslimischen Nachbarn. Akademie Verlag. pp. 176-194.
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  27.  11
    The reformers of Islam.Amna Afreen - 2013 - Karachi: Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Karachi.
    Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan -- Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal -- Dr. Fazlur Rahman.
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    A Phenomenology of Langerian Mindfulness: The Psychology of Presence.Mohsen Fatemi - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In The Phenomenological Psychology of Mindfulness, Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi draws on the latest scholarly findings in Langerian psychology and examines their implications in clinical and social psychology.
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    The construction of environmental philosophy rooted in religiosity.Syefriyeni Syefriyeni & Dindin Nasrudin - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):7.
    One of the causes of poor human-environment relations is the separation of the study of natural philosophy and human philosophy. The awareness to combine natural and human philosophy has been sparked by thinkers such as Henryk Skolimowski and Fritjof Capra. However, both are seen as not showing clear root values. Meanwhile, Sayyed Hossein Nasr has brought the concept of value in the combination of natural philosophy with human philosophy. However, he describes it as a mystical concept that is too (...)
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  30. Reconstruction and Feasibility of Religious Science Based on Traditionalist Theory of Sacred Science.Masuod Fekri - 2013 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 11 (1):25-46.
    Sacred Science is one of the traditionalists' principles among them some philosophers like Sayyed Hossein Nasr, Frithjof Schuon, and Rene Guenon can be noted. Having this principle, a theory of science, and a religious theory in general an Islamic one in particular, can be explained and reconstructed. This reconstruction reveals that traditionalists can be considered as advocates of religious science. In this paper, concepts like sacred science, and tradition and traditionalism are explained, criteria of classification of religious science's theories (...)
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  31. The Rafī’ee-Qazvīnī’s Solution to the Sadrāian Problem of Return.Mohammad Ahmadizadeh & Mohammad Kazem Forghani - 2013 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 11 (1):79-97.
    According to the principles of transcendent philosophy, the human soul as a contingent existence after being created in this world has a continuous motion from an actuality to another one until becoming immaterial. This means that he leaves his body and continues to his evolution immaterially. According to the principle of “Impossibility of Return” it seems impossible for human being to return to the mundane life after his death. This belief is apparently inconsistent with the Islamic doctrine of “dead human (...)
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