The development of a book is an enjoyable task.
Whatever the contents of this book might be, I assure
you that I would try my best to put things in such a
simple language in an easy-to-understand manner.
Moreover, I also promise to be as blunt and frank as I
could be.
I have been thinking of writing this book for quite
some time; however, I have decided if I am going to
write one book, then I might as well write more books
since I am going over the basics of some of my
thoughts and theories in this very first book.6
However, my thoughts and theories are the least
important since everybody could be wrong, and my
thoughts could have been the same as others.
Yet, as mentioned earlier, these are only the base of
my thoughts, observations, and theories and do not
include all the subjects I would love to share. I have
written in this very first book a brief introduction to
some of my thoughts.
Furthermore, they are nothing special since we all
think we have something special to say. I might
perhaps be under the same impression as everybody
Also, I have to admit that I am an average person like
any other person who could make mistakes.
Therefore, I see myself entitled to change of opinion if
better logic is provided sufficiently.
I have to try writing this book since it is already long
overdue, and it is time to share my opinions and7
understandings of the world as simple and as naive
that they can be!
Moreover, this book will be as I usually say that ''in
school, first, you learn a lesson then you have a test,
but in life, first, you have a test then you learn a
So I promise to listen to your criticism and pieces of
advice to make myself better and develop into a
better and wiser individual. I hope this book helps us
This book is not about me being right or wrong since I
will always look forward to criticism since critics are
the ones that help us be better at what we are or
what we are trying to accomplish