Educational institutions are in need of increasing their high standards as an essential factor in improving the level of quality in education. Hence, they are looking at better ways to develop such a curriculum which reaches the pre-decided standards. This calls for curriculum evaluation. This study was aimed at evaluating the implementation of the 2010 Curriculum (K-10) of English Education Department at the Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia. The research design adapted Stake's Countenance Model. The data collected were quantitative and qualitative data. The findings revealed that at the transactions stage, the concordance level between the objective conditions and the standard actuality/objective intensity objective for the curriculum implementation components was overall classified as 'Medium' (Score 48.75%). It indicated that some of the sub components still required limited
changes or revisions in accordance with the Indonesian National Education Standards Agency instructions. Thus, the formative evaluation of the department’s curriculum implementation needs to be conducted periodically (annually) to ensure the quality of the program and anticipate the changes and development of workplace needs.