Bioethics: A view on the contemporary discussion in Germany compared to Asia
What is understood by the term “bioethics” varieswidely. Whereas in Germany the focus of the discussioncentres on biotechnological issues like PreimplantationGenetic Diagnosis , research on human stem cellsand cloning, in Asia the concept is understood morebroadly including among others environmental ethics,animal rights and medical ethics. This article tries to setout the discussion going on in Germany on two ratherdifferent levels: On the one hand, it is a legal discussionon whether research on human stem cell should beallowed and whether to put forward PGD. On the otherhand, this discussion is entangled with a highlyspeculative discussion on the issue of manipulation thehuman genes – if ever possible – in order to improve thehuman genes. The main aim of giving this account ofthe ongoing deliberations in Germany is to introducethis discussion to the Asian context in order to enrich thediscourse in bioethics going on here