This article presents the images of saint women, female martyrs of Christianity, which featured in Kontemplacja Męki of an anonymous manuscript entitled Kontemplacja Męki i śmierci Chrystusa Pana. The manuscript dates back to the 17th century and is stored in the archives of the Sisters of St. Norbert’s Order in Cracow. A thesis can be put forward that the author of this manuscript belonged to this abbey. Among the saint women presented in the manuscript there are: St. Agatha, St. Agnes, St. Brigid, St. Cecilia, Catherine of Siena and St. Paula of Rome. This article adduces evidence that Kontemplacja Męki shows visible influences of Piotr Skarga’s Żywoty świętych, as well as Ignatius Loyola’s method of applicatio sensuum, which testifies to the sublime style of the manuscript.