Istraživanjima vezanim uz vrednovanje znanstvenog rada u području filozofije na svjetskoj razini bavilo se vrlo malo autora. Zbog specifičnosti ove discipline, scientometrijski istraživati filozofiju unutar humanistike može biti komparativno interesantno, ali ona u ovim istraživanjima svakako zaslužuje posebno mjesto. U ovom radu pokušali smo dobiti uvid u potencijalnu vidljivost hrvatskih filozofskih časopisa indeksiranošću u bazi podataka The Philosopher’s Index i mjerenjem odjeka članaka kroz citiranost u Social Science Citation Index i Arts & Humanities Citation Index . Citatnom analizom nastojali smo dobiti uvid u komunikacijske odnose hrvatskih filozofskih časopisa. Jedan od osnovnih zaključaka je da u vrednovanju znanstvenog rada u filozofiji, ISI-jeve citatne baze nemaju isti značaj kao za područje prirodnih znanosti ili biomedicine. Očekuje se da će znatno relevantniji instrumentarij u vrednovanju znanstvenog rada u području filozofije biti baza podataka ERIH .Few authors worldwide have conducted some research on the evaluation of scientific work in the field of philosophy. Due to specificity of this discipline, scientometric research of philosophy inside the humanities can be comparatively interesting, but philosophy should have a special position in this research. In this paper we have tried to get an insight into the potential visibility of Croatian philosophy journals indexed by The Philosopher’s Index, and by measuring their impact through citations by Social Science Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index . Using citation analysis, we have tried to establish the communication relationship between Croatian and other philosophy journals worldwide and to determine significance of Croatian philosophy journals. One of our main conclusions is that the evaluation of scientific work in philosophy by ISI citation databases does not have the same importance as it has in the field of science or biomedicine. Furtheremore, database ERIH is expected to become more relevant instrument in the evaluation of scientific work in the field of philosophy