Od grčkog pojma sophia do Potterovih pojmova mudrosti i biološkog znanja, autor analizira različite filozofske i znanstvene koncepte znanja. Autor se slaže s Jaspersom u stavu da ono što je »iz filozofije prevodivo u zajedničko mišljenje, to na koncu odlučuje o njezinoj vrijednosti «. Autor zaključuje da novoj epohi i bioetičkoj perspektivi odgovara zahtjev za orijentacijskim znanjem, te ga nastoji definirati ne samo iz povijesti filozofije, nego i u suprotnosti s tradicionalnim stajalištima , te iz zahtjeva nove epohe.From the Greek term sophia to the Potter’s terms wisdom and biological knowledge, author analyses different philosophical and scientific concepts of knowledge. The author agrees with Jaspers on the notion that what is “transferable from philosophy into the common reasoning is what at the end decides on its worthiness”. The author concludes that the demand for an orientational knowledge corresponds with the new epoch and bioethical perspective, and is trying to define this demand not only from the history of philosophy, but in its contrast to the traditional views represented by Descartes and Bacon, and also from the demands of the new epoch itself