We show that if \ is \\)-hypermeasurable for some cardinal \ with \ \le \mu \) and GCH holds, then we can extend the universe by a cofinality-preserving forcing to obtain a model \ in which the \\)-hypermeasurability of \ is indestructible by the Cohen forcing at \ of any length up to \ is \\)-hypermeasurable in \). The preservation of hypermeasurability is useful for subsequent arguments. The construction of \ is based on the ideas of Woodin and Cummings :1–39, 1992) for preservation of measurability, but suitably generalised and simplified to achieve a more general result. Unlike the Laver preparation :385–388, 1978) for a supercompact cardinal, our preparation non-trivially increases the value of \, which is equal to \ in \ is still true in \ if we start with GCH).