Madrid, España: Editorial Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (
The translation of the book of Hering comes to take from oblivion this important work, filling another hole in the history of phenomenology. Jean Héring (1890-1960), one of the influential thinkers of the earliest period of the phenomenology, as a member of the Göttingen circle created by Edmund Husserl. He was the first to present and popularize phenomenology in France. of particular signifance is his influence on Emmanuel Levinas, who came to the University of Strasbourg in 1923. There Hering introduced him to phenomenology and then sent him to Husserl in Freiburg. Hering's book "Phénomenologie et Philosophie religieuse. Étude sur la théorie de la Connaissance religieuse" presents a specific phenomenological mode of analysis in the area of religious experience and religious knowledge. In it, Hering represented the viewpoint of the early Husserl's understanding of the tasks and purposes of the phenomenology.