Vocational education is generally structured around self-evaluation and the analysis of the practice of people in training, in order to favour their autonomy to face unprecedented situations. In this sense, a central position is given to experience in training which is observed and analysed each time it is possible. This approach that the institution - and its teachers - have to fundamentally rethink dual education. But rethinking dual education taking into account the experience of the teachers in training as well as the situations they face, results in a questioning on various temporalities which are sometimes competing, in education. The meso time of the institution not always being in phase with the micro and very personal time of learning, this dysphasia can become a source of schizo-chronie, a discontinuity of which the rhythmicity, will naturally be different from one person to another. This research thus gives us an opportunity to understand more fully the rhythms of adult learning in the situation of on-the-job training in order to take this into consideration in future teaching and andragogic system. It is addressed to teachers designing dual educational systems and teachers involved in such trainings. More generally to any teacher or designer, even if he/she does not act in a situation of dual training, as dual training is not just a simple juxtaposition of place and/or time, but also a process of explicitation and mediatisation of professional practice.