Kant makes two claims in the Critique of Pure Reason that anticipate
concerns of twentieth-century philosophy of science. The first, that the understanding
and sensibility are constitutive of knowledge, while reason is responsible
for transcendental illusion, amounts to his solution to Karl Popper’s “problem”
of demarcating science from pseudoscience. The second, that besides these
constitutive roles of the understanding and sensibility, reason is itself needed to
discover new empirical knowledge, anticipates Hans Reichenbach’s distinction
between the “contexts” of justification and discovery. Unlike Reichenbach, however,
who thinks that there can be a “logic” only of justification, Kant provides
what amounts to a logic of discovery. Though Kant’s broader concerns are not
Popper’s or Reichenbach’s, using theirs as framing devices reveals two otherwise
unnoticed things about the Critique of Pure Reason. First, besides its general
epistemological and metaphysical aims, the Critique lays groundwork for the
twentieth century’s specialized field of the philosophy of science. Second,
Kant’s solution to the demarcation problem contradicts his logic of discovery,
so in this instance the Critique is too ambitious.