Introduction. In this article, the author examines the mimetic concept of R. Girard in the context of the correspondence polemic with the philosophy of Hegel, in the interpretation of A. Kojeve. Theoretical analysis. As part of the historical and philosophical research, the author identifi es the similarities and diff erences between these concepts, discovers the reception and infl uence of Hegel’s philosophy on Girard’s mimetic concept. The conceptual apparatus of the mimetic concept is analyzed: mimesis, mimetic desire, indiff erence, sacrifi ce, and similarities between these notions and the concepts in Hegel’s philosophy are revealed. Particular attention is paid to Girard’s critical view of Hegelian thought: the dialectic of antagonism, and the concept of the “end of history”. The author conducts a comparative analysis of these philosophical concepts, focusing on the problem of desire in Hegel and Girard, as well as on the phenomenon of sacrifi ce. A separate research interest is the infl uence on the views of Girard by the authors who were infl uenced by A. Kojeve such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Roger Caillois, and Georges Bataille. Conclusion. Despite Girard’s attempt to distance himself from Hegel’s philosophy, Hegel’s influence is revealed, in the interpretation of A. Kojeve, on some of Girard’s key concepts: the problem of desire, the antagonistic nature of human existence, and sacrifice as an anthropological principle.