Recollection is an intellectual activity through which fundamental differences of experience, either between a plurality of individuals or within one individual at different stages of development, are comprehended and internally resolved. Together with the process of natural dialectic, recollection is the basis of Hegel’s theory of education and cultural solidification. It would, of course, be quite impossible in a single essay to enter into all the details and ramifications of this theory, and so we shall deal only with the basic concept. Moreover, we shall emphasize the role of the individual, not so much to counter the gross miscomprehensions of Hegel’s thought which result when the activity of cultural enlightenment is generalized and ascribed to conceptually mystified world-historical processes, but simply to provide the proper arena for the functioning of this activity. For it is always the individual who internalizes the elaborated wealth of human spiritual capacities as best he can, and who through so doing is materially empowered to promote the education of others in turn.