Kriza evropskega sveta življenja Crisis of European Lifeworld
»Svet življenja« je geslo, v okrožju katerega je fenomenologija Edmunda Husserla, ki je bila v 20-ih letih komajda opažena, dospela do svojega poznega in nepričakovanega slovesa. Vtis imam, da ta tema vse do danes ni izgubila svoje aktualnosti. Pojem »svet življenja« tako slej kot prej označuje osrednji problem, s katerim se konfrontira filozofska refleksija. Vendar se sedanja življenjskosvetna problematika ne prekriva s teoretskimi vpraševanji, zaradi katerih je vzvratna pot k svetu življenja postala zanimiva za Husserla. Danes nam namreč skrbi ne zadaja toliko kriza evropskih znanosti kot evropski svet življenja sam. “Lifeworld” is the motto in the framework of which the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, hardly noticed in the 20s, reached its belated and unexpected reputation. My impression is that, up to this very day, this topic still hasn’t lost its relevance. The notion of lifeworld thus primarily denotes the central problem confronted by the philosophical reflection. However, the present lifeworld issues do not overlap with theoretical questions which aroused the attention of Husserl to look back to the lifeworld. For today we are not so much concerned about the crisis of European sciences but rather about the European lifeworld as such