Personal charisms and the charism of office: A possible convergence
Ekpo, Anthony The church is a sacrament of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a fruit of Pentecost. The church came to birth through the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit and is forever sustained and renewed through the influence of the same Spirit. It is in the Spirit-the breath of God that cannot be domesticated by anyone-that the church lives, moves and has its being. Without the Spirit, therefore, the church would not be the living Body of Christ; it would rather be a corpse, which, left to its own devices, could only putrefy and decay. Hence, the church is the workshop of the Holy Spirit, and through his graciousness, the church and its members are blessed with myriads of pneumatic enablement that have been called charisms. Charisms 'are the manifold ways in which the graciousness of God is manifested in the lives of individual Christians, especially by making them effective instruments of grace to others in the body of Christ'.