Dissertation, National University (
The study aims to navigate the focus on teacher's perceptions and practices in implementing classroom-based reading programs as a basis for supervisory approach for mastering teaching reading. Specifically, it aims to answer the teacher perceptions in the implementation of classroom-based reading program as basis for supervisory approach for mastering teaching reading among the respondents, the teachers’ practices in the implementation of classroom-based reading programs as basis for supervisory approach for mastering teaching reading among the respondents, and how teacher perceptions and practices are the basis for implementation of classroom-based programs in the mastery of reading approach among the respondents.
Mixed methods are utilized in the study which are composed of quantitative and qualitative approaches with the use of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in evaluating the data. Likewise, purposive sampling is also utilized in gathering the sample population in the study. The study comprised one hundred (100) respondents only.
Results show that teachers’ perceptions in the implementation of classroom-based reading program as basis for supervisory approach for mastering teaching reading reveals that instructional practices is closely aligned with effective classroom-based reading programs, show that teacher practices in the implementation of classroom-based reading programs as basis for supervisory approach for mastering teaching reading among the respondents is offering personalized reading recommendations in providing and welcoming comfortable reading space in teaching and learning, show that teachers’ perceptions in the area of training support components provides technical assistance by the experts through content knowledge, theories, strategies, techniques, content knowledge, and training in the real world of reading comprehension, show that motivation strategies and approaches provide varieties of techniques and ideas in the classroom-based reading program to increase students’ motivation to inspire, engage, and captivate curiosity in the passion of reading, show that support and mentoring program provides more sustainability quality and effective approach, show that best practices in the area of alignment and influence of reading supports the method and effective implementation of reading program that makes reading beneficial to the learners, show that reflection, mentoring, interaction, and integration program provides support on the improved reading skills and academic performance of students in sustaining integration program of classroom-based reading program, show that misalignment and discrepancy towards getting proficiency in the improved professional development due to some challenges where teachers can adjust to limited resources, large class size, time constraint, unclear expectation, burnout, stress, internal policies, school leadership, and internal politics.