In Koji Tanaka, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield & Graham Priest,
The Moon Points Back. Oxford University Press USA (
In one of his last works, “Emptiness and That-is-ness”, Keiji Nishitani, the main figure of the postwar Kyoto school, tried to construct an alternative logic to the Western classical logic. This chapter aims to advance or restructure his unfinished project by means of paraconsistent logic—a contemporary nonclassical logic. In so doing, some ideas of Jízāng, a great master of the Sānlùn school of classical Chinese Buddhism, are consulted and analyzed in terms of contemporary logic and analytic philosophy. Finally, as a candidate of the logic of emptiness, that is, the logic that incorporates the philosophies of emptiness, this chapter proposes a three-valued system which has a fixed point of negation that is taken to be a designated value.