Forensic neuropsychiatric ethics: balancing competing duties in and out of court
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing (
Mental health clinicians and evaluators of a person's mental health for legal purposes must address highly nuanced and possibly conflicting goals that arise in their work. Forensic Neuropsychiatric Ethics reviews real-life dilemmas facing practitioners who work in the field of mental health. The first two chapters ground the reader in the modern history and evolution of forensic ethics. Subsequent chapters provide practical direction on a range of important topics, including maintaining robust professionalism, writing an ethical report, testifying ethically, participating in capital cases, managing bias and subjectivity, incorporating testing into one's opinion, and working in leadership roles. Other topics include providing informed consent; violating confidentiality; considering advance directives and physician assistance in dying; fulfilling the Tarasoff duty to protect; ethical considerations related to assisted outpatient treatment; the assessment and potential removal of firearms; the termination of pregnancy and decisional capacity; recognition of structural and implicit bias in violence risk assessments; and implications for the use of neuroscience and artificial intelligence in the courtroom. The book is written for all clinicians, forensic evaluators, educators, administrators, lawyers, and judges.