Coarse-grain models are essential to understand the biological function of DNA molecules because the length and time scales of the sequence-dependent physical properties of DNA are often beyond the reach of experimental and all-atom computational methods. Simulating coarse-grain models of DNA, e.g. using Langevin dynamics, requires the parametrization of both potential and kinetic energy functions. Many studies have shown that the flexibility (i.e., potential energy) of a DNA molecule depends on its sequence. In contrast, little is known about the sequence-dependence of DNA mass parameters required to model its kinetic energy. In this paper, an algebraic expression is derived for the kinetic energy as a function of linear and angular velocities of each DNA base parameterized by its mass, center of mass, and rotational inertia tensor. The parameters of this function are then approximated from a set of fine-grain molecular dynamics simulations representing all combinations of the four DNA base pairs AT, TA, GC, and CG, in different sequence contexts. Compatibility conditions associated with the assumption of each base being modeled as a rigid body were verified to be good approximations. The kinetic parameters were found to be significantly different between the four G, C, A, and T bases, and to not be dependent on the sequence context. This suggests that the effective kinetic parameters of a DNA base may depend only on the base itself, not on its neighbors.