Treating groups as agents is not at all difficult; teenagers and social scientists do it all the time with great success. Reading Group Agency, though, makes it look like rocket science. According to List and Pettit, groups can be real, and such real groups can cause, as well as bear ethical responsibility for, events. Apparently, not just any collective qualifies as an agent, so a lot turns on how the attitudes and actions of individual members are aggregated. Although I am unsure who will read this book, I can envisage four relatively distinct population segments: philosophers, decision theorists, activists, and social scientists. Philosophers who take questions of ontology
seriously will likely find this book evasive. Decision theorists who enjoy
axiomatic model building for its own sake will find much to keep them occupied. Activists who have taken it upon themselves to “raise group consciousness” (193) will probably skip ahead to the third part and feel emboldened by
the thought that the model builders are busy with the first two. However,
since the normative questions (about responsibility and so on) are answerable
to prior metaphysical questions for which Group Agency supplies vacillating
answers at best, a transition to advocacy would seem hasty.
As for social scientists, either they will glance at the book’s dust jacket
and (wrongly) assume that philosophers have now “proven” the existence of
the groups they study, or they will engage with List and Pettit’s model only to
discover that, unless they happen to specialize in commercial corporations,
the model’s many stipulations impede rather than facilitate/elucidate their
usual group intentional ascriptions.