The property of countable metacompactness of a topological space gets its importance from Dowker’s 1951 theorem that the product of a normal space X with the unit interval $[0,1]$ is again normal iff X is countably metacompact. In a recent paper, Leiderman and Szeptycki studied $\Delta $ -spaces, which is a superclass of the class of countably metacompact spaces. They proved that a single Cohen real introduces a ladder system $ L$ over the first uncountable cardinal for which the corresponding space $X_{ L}$ is not a $\Delta $ -space, and asked whether there is a ZFC example of a ladder system $ L$ over some cardinal $\kappa $ for which $X_{ L}$ is not countably metacompact, in particular, not a $\Delta $ -space. We prove that an affirmative answer holds for the cardinal $\kappa =\operatorname {\mathrm {cf}}(\beth _{\omega +1})$. Assuming $\beth _\omega =\aleph _\omega $, we get an example at a much lower cardinal, namely $\kappa =2^{2^{2^{\aleph _0}}}$, and our ladder system L is moreover $\omega $ -bounded.