Prema teoriji holona stvarnost se ne sastoji ni od, samo, cjelina, niti od, samo, dijelova, nego od međuprožimajućih cjelina i dijelova, odnosno od holona , koje nalazimo unutar materijalnih i idejnih okvira stvarnosti. S obzirom na to da potpuno izolirani i neinteraktivni entiteti ne mogu opstojati holoni se udružuju, čineći tako zajednice holona, odnosno holarhije. Unutar holarhije naročit značaj imaju holoni s velikim brojem veza prema ostalim holonima. Takve holone nazivamo koncentratorima, s time da možemo razlikovati koncentratore prvog reda i koncentratore drugog reda. U konačnici, ako neki holon zapostavlja svoju dijelost, u cilju dominiranja nad ostatkom holarhije, tada govorimo o neprirodnim hijerarhijama, a ukoliko zapostavlja svoju cijelost, što dovodi do toga da se jednostavno stopi s ostatkom holarhije, tada govorimo o neprirodnim heterarhijama.According to the theory of holons reality does not only consist of parts or wholes, but also from inter-permeating wholes and parts, that is, holons; which are found within material and ideological framework of reality. Given that fully isolated and uninteractive entities cannot exist, holons associate, in this way forming a community of holons, that is, holarchies. Within the holarchy special significance have holons that contains a large number of connections to other holons. Such holons are called hubs, thus we can distinguish first-order hubs and second-order hubs. In the end, if one holon neglects his communion, for the purpose of overdomination over the rest of the holarchy, then we talk about unnatural hierarchies, but if one holon neglects his agency, which leads him to simply fuse with the rest of the holarchy, then we talk about unnatural heterarchies